Nella giornata di oggi Bethesda e Arkane Studios hanno pubblicato la nuova patch 1.04 per Prey.
L’update in questione oltre a risolvere i soliti bug presenti aggiunge il supporto a PlayStation 4 Pro, ottimizzando il titolo per la console, aggiungendo effetti grafici avanzati, migliorando i riflessi della luci, le ombre e le texture oltre al filtro anisotropico.
Vi ricordiamo che Prey è disponibile su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, e potete trovare la nostra recensione sul sito.
Qui di seguito vi lasciamo le note delle aggiunte e della patch:
While it doesn’t seem to add a higher resolution mode, PS4 Pro support adds:
- Enable Screen-Space Reflections
- Higher quality shadows
- Improved texture appearance
- More texture memory (stable streaming)
- Anisotropy 16x (from 4x)
- Improved visual fidelity
- Less LOD usage
- Dynamic lights show up further
- Particles are allowed to draw more pixels per effect
- Particle refraction enabled
Beyond that, 1.04 makes a number of fixes and continues to try and combat the input lag issues the beset the game on PS4 at launch.
- Additional fixes for PS4 input drift
- Glooing Cook between objectives no longer breaks mission
- ‘Nightmare is Hunting You’ no longer plays after completing ‘Copy Protection’ without Typhon Neuromods installed
- Disgruntled Employee mission now properly completes if player finds Grant Lockwood prior to getting mission.
- Sarah Elazar will now give the code for Cargo Bay B if player has hostility from Phantoms
- Aaron Ingram will no longer flee and cower when released in Psychotronics
- Player can no longer lock themselves in the security pharmaceuticals office in Trauma
- Superfruit no longer appears shrunken and flat when fully grown.
- Adjusted timing on several cutscenes.
- Blank objective markers no longer persist above reticle
- Using key actions while controller prompts are shown will no longer cause a freeze.
- Tracking bracelets are now sent to Recycler with “Transfer all Junk”