Nelle ultime ore Epic ha annunciato alcuni interessanti dati riguardanti Fortnite.
Il titolo degli sviluppatori di Gears of War infatti è già noto per essere un successo ma, stando a quanto annunciato da Epic, Fortnite avrebbe addirittura superato la cifra di 20 milioni di giocatori dalla sua data di lancio, comprendenti con ogni probabilità sia gli utenti della versione a pagamento che quelli della Battle Royale free to play.
Di seguito vi lasciamo il filmato celebrativo che accompagna l’annuncio.
Gli sviluppatori però non si sono adagiati sugli allori, e anzi hanno già dichiarato di essere al lavoro su una nuova corposa patch, sia per correggere gli errori e i bug del gioco, sia per introdurre il Season Shop, dove i giocatori potranno acquistare determinati oggetti in base al livello del loro personaggio. Di seguito vi lasciamo uno specchietto che illustra nello specifico la faccenda, seguito dalla patch Notes completa.
- Level 5 – Glider : Aerial Assault One
- Level 15 – Outfit : Aerial Assault Trooper
- Level 20 – Outfit : Renegade Raider
- Level 35 – Pickaxe : Raider’s Revenge
- Fixed several localization issues.
- Fixed several client crashes.
- Adjusted Pump Shotgun falloff damage.
- 100% damage up to 7.68 meters
- 70% damage at 18 meters
- 20% at 30 meters
- 0% at 41 meters
- Increased the time it takes to transition from hip-fire to targeting mode after unintentionally decreasing it in a previous update.
- It previously took 0.25 seconds to raise and lower weapons.
- It now takes 0.4 seconds to raise weapons and 0.45 seconds to lower weapons.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons not having ammo when picked up.
- Fixed a recoil bug which made aiming upwards faster than aiming downwards while firing.
- Added a scroll bar for the daily challenge list so that the “Collect Rewards” button is no longer pushed off screen when five or more challenges are displayed.
- The loading screen no longer displays “Solo” when entering or leaving a Squad match.
- You can now repair structures while in build mode using the “Combat Pro” configuration.
- Hold the right thumbstick down to repair.
- The Right Trigger label (“RT”) on the controller layout image is now assigned to the correct button.
- Optimized shadow rendering to improve overall performance.
- Optimized visibility calculations for objects to improve rendering performance.
- Made improvements to foliage rendering affecting CPU and GPU performance.
- Reduced in-game hitches by preloading additional assets in the matchmaking lobby instead of mid-match.
- Resolved multi-second hitching and freezing on consoles.
- Fixed a few issues that unintentionally awarded players with completed challenges.
- Added a “Play Now” button to the Fortnitemares event page.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the weak point from appearing while harvesting resources.
- Fixed an issue which blocked the ShadowShard evolution choice from the Gravedigger rifle.
- Fixed an issue which caused the chat window to block the “View Event” button in the menus.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Ceiling Drop Trap and Ice Floor Trap to display Star level one on the schematic even when upgraded to level two or higher.
- Fixed an issue which prevented Ramirez’s ponytail from showing.
- Fixed several cases of subtitles not matching the corresponding voice lines.
Fortnite è disponibile su Playstation 4, Xbox One e PC sia nella sua versione a pagamento, sia nella sua variante free to play, comprendente solo l’accesso alla celebre Battle Royale.