Nella giornata di oggi Bluehole ha reso disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento per la versione Xbox One di PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.
L’update in questione non porta nuovi contenuti ma apporta qualche aggiustamento al titolo tra cui l’aumento dei danni delle armi da fuoco sui veicoli e la possibilità di scegliere tra prima e terza persona.
Il team fa sapere inoltre che è al lavoro assiduamente per risolvere tutti i problemi tecnici e crash che sono presenti nel titolo.
Qui di seguito trovate le note complete della nuova patch:
- Aim acceleration can now be adjusted by players via in-game option
- Player weapon damage has been increased against vehicles. We will continue to monitor player feedback and telemetry and make further balancing adjustments as needed in future updates
- FPP Solo matchmaking queue will be made available for NA/EU/and Oceanic servers. We will open other modes within those regions as concurrency allows
- Fixed an issue that caused indoor lighting and shadows to appear too dark and blueish
- Analog stick acceleration added while exiting the plane and while parachuting
- PhysX performance enhancements
- Server FPS slightly increased
- Client FPS slightly increased
- Some VFX received slight optimizations
- Music on/off option added
Bug fixes
- Addressed a number of known crashes
- Fixed a UI issue that occurred when multiple players attempted to loot from the same source