Nelle ultime ore Bluehole ha reso disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento dedicato alla versione Xbox One di PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.
L’update in questione incrementa il danno inflitto ai veicoli con le armi da fuoco, in particolare se si punterà alle ruote, diminuisce l’input lag del controller e corregge una serie di bug.
Ricordiamo che PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds è disponibile su PC e in Early Access su Xbox One, qui di seguito trovate le note complete della patch.
We’ve listened to your feedback and further modified the damage players can inflict on vehicles, increasing areas of vulnerability. This includes:
- Increased damage to the vehicle body, and significant damage to the wheels when targeted with gunfire
- Increased vehicle damage when successfully targeted with a grenade
- Both driver and passenger will suffer increased injuries from crashing into objects or other vehicles (Dacia, UAZ, and Buggy)
- Slight reduction to player damage when being struck by a vehicle
- Continued optimization to controller input lag
- Visual quality of the reticle is improved for Xbox One (Red Dot, Holographic, and 2x Sight)
Bug fixes
- Resolved issue where inventory may highlight the wrong column when looting
- The sensitivity setting for 4x Scope is now also applied to the permanent scope on the VSS
- Auto-run (double-clicking the left stick) is disabled when aiming down sights
- Players can now use the D-Pad while in the map view without switching melee, pistol, or throwing weapons
- Removing the marker from the map when pressing (Y) will no longer switch primary/secondary weapons
- Fixed issue where the crosshair is not correctly displayed after players reconnect to a game session